FLEX Attorneys Learn More on AI

How does FLEX differentiate itself from other in-house legal service offerings? One way is offering CLE on emerging legal topics, featuring insights from Fenwick attorneys.  

FLEX Founder and Fenwick Partner Ralph Pais, IP Associate Adine Matrani, and IP Partner Joseph Schenck, presented AI Considerations for Startups: Customer Sign-ups at a FLEX Attorney-exclusive event this month. As interim counsel to tech companies, FLEX attorneys benefitted from legal insights on both sides of the playbook – from key customer questions related to AI to provider-side concerns on data use.  

For customers, key topics included how providers handle customer datasets, whether these datasets will be used for training, and the risk of bad actors or competitors accessing proprietary information.

We also discussed how providers mitigate data poisoning, hallucinations, and toxic output, in addition to restrictions on output use and whether using a provider's AI model draws additional regulatory scrutiny.  

Common provider-side considerations focused on whether the customer has access to output (e.g. when AI runs in the background), whether customer input informs output, and whether the provider can re-use output with other customers.  

Additional topics addressed were data hygiene, safety and security vulnerabilities, marketing guidelines, and warranty disclaimers. Ethical considerations in the use of generative AI tools, as outlined in ABA Formal Opinion 512, were also discussed during the CLE.  

Overall, FLEX Attorneys said the presentation helped their understanding of legal issues related to AI and found the content informative and useful. By offering learning opportunities to our bench, we enhance our lawyers’ skills and help prepare FLEX clients to navigate emerging legal questions.  

Contact us for more information about how our FLEX attorneys may be able to help you.

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