FLEX Case Study – Tech Giant Appreciates the FLEX Difference

FLEX Case Study – Tech Giant Appreciates the FLEX Difference

This will be the first article in what will be an ongoing series highlighting some of FLEX’s biggest client successes and how FLEX’s specific expertise led the way there. You can learn more about how FLEX can assist with your specific challenges here.

For over a decade, FLEX has supported one of the biggest global tech companies through a period of tremendous growth. FLEX has assisted with:

  • Parental leave coverage
  • Gaps in hiring
  • Overflow/surge transactional support
  • Acquisition diligence and/or integration
  • Product launches
  • Complying with new regulations (privacy, advertising, etc.)

The client has appreciated the adaptability of FLEX’s coverage through unexpected spikes, particularly when rapid growth during Covid created unsustainable workload volume for the existing in-house legal teams. The client has also welcomed FLEX support through more recent economically challenging times, when additional support was needed but without clarity about how long or how much. FLEX has been there to support this client through all of it.

This client originally came to FLEX after facing significant challenges and underwhelming results engaging traditional alternative legal service providers and quickly realized the FLEX difference:

  • The FLEX team conducts rigorous skills testing of both substantive legal knowledge and advising style. This process involves written and verbal skills assessments based on the attorney’s practice area. For example, technology transactions attorneys are given a hypothetical software licensing agreement, along with background about the prior relationship between the parties and their relative leverages, and asked to provide a markup accounting for the major areas of legal risk (indemnification, IP ownership, etc.). The FLEX team then schedules a “role play” call with the attorney candidate to have them verbally walk us through their redlines and answer questions about the legal implications of their suggested edits and potential fallback positions.
  • The FLEX recruiting team is entirely comprised of former practicing attorneys who understand the skill sets, both hard and soft, necessary for an attorney to immediately add value in an interim in-house environment.
  • FLEX’s client bill rates are set specific to the client’s needs and their selected attorney to meet the specific team’s budget requirements, not based on a rate card or other arbitrary set of guidelines. And unlike traditional agencies, FLEX’s recruiters are not compensated by commission – they do not get paid based on what a client pays.
  • FLEX focuses solely on recruiting, vetting, and placing experienced attorneys for technology and life sciences companies. The client appreciates that FLEX’s specialized expertise means that it can identify the right attorney resource swiftly and efficiently, without the need for several rounds of resume submissions and interviews.

FLEX has worked with this client over 100 times in the last five years, providing experienced attorneys to support the company’s software, hardware, and services divisions. Several FLEX attorneys were converted by the client to full-time permanent employees, who now use FLEX services for temporary needs at their teams.

Securing the right attorney at the right time at the right cost keeps this client coming back to FLEX. To see how FLEX can help with your particular need, connect with us today.

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