Four Ways FLEX Drives Impact for Clients

Four Ways FLEX Drives Impact for Clients

In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency and productivity are crucial for staying competitive and meeting demands. This is where FLEX comes into play, offering a variety of benefits that can greatly impact organizations in a positive way. Here are some ways FLEX drives impact for our clients:

  1. Efficiency with Complex Legal Matters

Clients can tap into a pool of highly skilled professionals who are well-versed in handling intricate legal issues. Most attorneys on our roster have in-house experience, so whether you need assistance with anything from product counseling to privacy compliance to AI advice, they are able to hit the ground running with very little ramp up. This not only saves our clients time and resources, but also ensures that these matters are addressed effectively and with precision.

2. Limited Time Spent on Recruiting Efforts

We often hear from our clients that it can take months to recruit a full-time attorney. Instead of going through the lengthy and often costly process of hiring full-time employees, FLEX handles the vetting process to provide experienced attorneys available to step into the client business efficiently. FLEX also is responsible for compliance with all employment requirements and attorney compensation and benefits. We can typically onboard an attorney to your team within days.

3. Overflow Work and Volume Assistance

When faced with a sudden surge in workload and/or upcoming parental leaves, clients can turn to FLEX to provide coverage with attorneys able to quickly integrate into your business. This ensures that deadlines are met and projects are completed on time, without the need to hire additional staff or incur unnecessary overhead costs.

4. Customized Solutions for Fluctuating Needs

By taking advantage of our flexible pricing models and the wide variety of expertise and years of experience of our attorneys, clients can be assured that they receive customized solutions that fit their needs. FLEX managers are experienced in making these connections and helping clients select the model best suited for them. This results in increased productivity and cost savings, ultimately leading to a more efficient workflow.

For more information, connect with us here.

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